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History and Development

In November 1969 the City Commission adopted, pursuant to the Housing Authority Law, a resolution to establish a “Housing and Redevelopment Commission” for the city of Aberdeen. Effective January 1, 1970, the first Housing Commissioners were appointed. The Mayor appoints housing commissioners for 5 year terms. They are volunteer, non-paid citizens who contribute substantial time, interest, and effort in overseeing the operation of the Housing Authority according to the rules and regulations passed on from congressional enforcements. Meetings are held once a month, with special meetings as authorized by the Bylaws. The Aberdeen Housing Authority staff completes verifications of each resident’s income and medical expenses, if applicable, no less than every 12 months.

The Aberdeen Housing and Redevelopment Commission administers low-rent, subsidized housing programs in Brown, McPherson, Marshall, Day and Roberts counties.

Year(s) Built

Public Housing Program

75 Homestead Apartments
2222 3rd Ave SE
25 Non-Elderly Family Homes
7 scattered sites

Multi-Family Properties

51 Sherman Apartments
223 S. Main St.

Tax Credit/Multi-Family Properties

32 Lawson View Townhomes
1315 S. High St.
1316 S. Lawson St.

Tax Credit Properties

28 Sunshine Park Townhomes
1524 S. Lawson St.
32 Meadow Wood Townhomes
2714 1st Ave SE
41 Jackson Heights Apartments
1016 1st Ave SE
40 Central Villas
1901 S Merton St

Section 8 Existing Program

492 Vouchers with Private Landlords
Began 1991

Brown, McPherson, Marshall, Day, & Roberts Counties