Board of Directors

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Board Member Appointment History

Name and Office Appointment Date Expiration Date
Marty Sabolo – Chairman 01/01/18 12/31/28
Clark Thares – Commissioner 10/01/23 12/31/27
Karl Alberts – Commissioner 10/01/23 12/31/24
Kathy Zerr – Commissioner 12/25/21 12/31/25
Jeff Mitchell – Commissioner 01/01/22 12/31/26

Functions and Responsibilities of the Authority Commissioner: The Board of Commissioners is the policy-making body of the Housing Authority. A Housing Authority Commissioner is a public official of his community. The Board of Commissioners selects and employs the Executive Director of the Housing Authority. The Executive Director is responsible to the Board of Commissioners for the efficient operation of the Authority’s business and for carrying out Board policies in accordance with the bylaws and its contracts.